Current Ordinary Life Series



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Ordinary Life is a weekly gathering that seeks to help individuals deepen and grow their relationship to and understanding of Sacred Mystery, develop a growing awareness of their true identity, and grow in expressing spiritual values such as compassion. In a world where people are increasingly fragmented and lonely, Ordinary Life seeks to respond to this by helping people grow in religious literacy and spiritual understand in ways that lead to increasingly compassionate lives and living.

Ordinary Life meets at 9:45 in the Jones Building on the campus of St. Paul’s United Methodist Church, 5501 South Main, Houston, Texas.

It is now easy to subscribe to the free podcast of Ordinary Life. Just go to the Ordinary Life website, link below, and scroll to the bottom of the home page. There you will find a “button” to click that will automatically subscribe you.


If you are new to Ordinary Life and want to know the thinking that lies behind the current series I am doing, please visit the Ordinary Life website. There is an explanation there -

If you would like to participate in an effort to increase interest in, awareness of and attendance at Ordinary Life, we have created a Twitter account for Ordinary Life.

You can follow Ordinary Life on Twitter at

This will be a way, for those of you who have Twitter accounts to "follow" Ordinary Life and effortlessly pass on invites and information about what our gathering is about.

Ordinary Life is also now on Facebook. Go to
and click the "Like" button to receive updates.

In a sentence, Ordinary Life is this: That we be constantly involved in the process of becoming center of freedom and love.