Psychology and Spirituality

When I was in graduate school, I ran across in my reading a passage from Carl Jung that has guided my life ever since. I refer to the passage frequently. It is this:

"Among all my patients in the second half of life - that is over the age of thirty-five - there has not been one whose problem in the last resort was not that of finding a religious outlook on life."

Ever since reading that I have, in one way or another, endeavored to put "mind and spirit" together both in my personal life, my private practice and my public teachings. The best way to access what I do on a regular basis is to go to the website for the weekly talks I give in the Ordinary Life gathering. Click here to go there.

The other day (I'm writing this on September 21, 2015) I ran into a colleague who was commenting about a talk I gave to a professional organization of psychotherapists. He asked me if I had a copy of that talk available. It was on an earlier version of this website and I've decide to repost it here without editing or updating.

The talk is titled "Hidden In Plain Sight" and reflect how I attempt to put spirituality and psychology together in all of the world that I do. You are free to use the content or the presentation slides in any way you choose so long as credit is given.

In order to download and read the talk click here.

This talk makes more sense if the presentation slides are also viewed. In order to do that click here.