Recent research reflects that people who read live an average of two years longer than those who don't. Many people have the ability to read but fail to take advantage of the profound life enrichment that is to be found in reading.
Further, one of the ways we contribute to our growth in both knowledge and wisdom is by reading. I've come to believe that psychological growth is the primary purpose we have on this planet.
One of the books I have recently read I want to recommend highly to you.
It is Jodi Picoult's newest book, "Small Great Things." A reading of this book with an open mind and heart will change the way you see other people, no matter who they are.
We live in a world where there are divisions of all sorts affecting the human community - race, religion, economic, political, etc. Often, perhaps more often than we want to admit, we feel helpless about making any changes in "the way things are." This book will, I believe, change your mind about that.
The title is taken from a speech given by Martin Luther King, Jr. It means that though we may not all be able to do "great things" we can do great things in small ways and these ways make a difference.
This is one of the most compelling and best books I've read in ages. Please read it.